Installation and failure of LDG-S electromagnetic flowmeter

LDG-S electromagnetic flowmeter common errors, damage caused by the file itself failure, some due to improper use, improper installation, environmental conditions, fluid properties and other factors caused failures, such as reduced turnover, or even damage to equipment and other precision . It can be generally divided into two types: installation failure (failure tuning) and normal operation failure (operation failure).

Secondly, to eliminate the defect LDG-S electromagnetic flowmeter startup consultation failure usually occurs once the configuration file and the debugging phase are released. Under the same conditions, it will not be repeated in the future. Start-up failures are generally associated with improper installation, environmental disturbances and other fluid properties.

1) The setting of the electromagnetic sensor is usually due to a faulty incorrect mounting position, such as the most common point sensor that is easy to set up in the pipeline, or the top-down vertical line may be empty or there is no pressure sensor bed, The fluid is discharged directly into the atmosphere and non-filled measuring tubes inside the tube.

2) The main environment of the main pipe stray current interference, space, strong electromagnetic interference and other large electrical interference. The interference of the pipe stray currents usually requires a good grounding protection for the lonely satisfactory effect, but in large stray currents (for example, aluminum electrolytic tubes, sometimes two electrodes in a potential maximum induction to 1V page AC), But the next steps and flow sensor and pipe insulation situation. Space electromagnetic interference signals are common with common cables, usually in single or multiple reinsurance guarantees.

3) Liquid-side evenly distributed liquids containing microbubbles usually do not affect the normal operation of the electromagnetic flowmeter, but as the foam increases the output signal utility changes If the foam is large enough to cover the entire electrode surface, the air bubbles flow through the electrode elektrody circuit opens immediately The ringing signal will be more unstable.

Low-frequency square wave electromagnetic flowmeters are activated by solid fertilizers, and feces will also produce noise output signal fluctuations.

Mixed media measurements will also fluctuate if they are not measured at the output of the hybrid flow sensing device.

Measure electrode material and media properly as a result of normal chemical reactions and polarization measurements. The choice of instrument should be based on the corresponding right or material, handheld electrode.

The third surgical error of the LDG-S electromagnetic flowmeter malfunctions and runs from the start-up, the failure time, the operation generally follows the common faults of the inner flow sensor, lightning strikes and changes in conditions and other factors caused to the environment.

1) The sensor is connected to the inner wall layer to measure the time when the dirty water is often associated with the fault layer of the sensor, and the electromagnetic flowmeter caused by the operation builds up the wall. These diseases are usually due to the proliferation of adhesions that are too large or too small. When the insulation layer, electrode preparation, circuit breaker shows that the device does not work properly, if a guide layer productivity is significantly higher than the fluid conductivity, the electrode short-circuit ring is high and the meter does not work properly. Therefore, you must immediately release the fouling layer of the electromagnetic flowmeter connecting pipe.

2) Lightning caused by lightning strikes easily in the tube voltage and high current rises, equipment damage. This is essentially a power line or field coil, or a cable channel between the sensor and the adapter, as introduced in particular is the introduction of traffic signals from the control room, is the majority.

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