What is a spectrometer, the principle of a spectrometer?

Microscopic spectral analysis, also known as micro-area spectral analysis, is a method of analyzing the spectrum of a sample by collecting optical signals in a minute region through an auxiliary optical device such as an optical microscope.

Microscopic spectral analysis is compared to ordinary spectral analysis. Ordinary spectral analysis usually refers to the ordinary fiber optic spectrometer through the optical signal into the spectrum of light. However, because the optical fiber collects the divergent light (usually the spectral fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.22), the ordinary fiber spectrometer can only collect light signals of a large space. The test signal is not ideal.

Later, the space resolution analysis of the samples by optical microscopes combined with fiber-optic spectrometers has greatly improved the spatial resolution of the samples. In order to obtain higher resolution, on the one hand, the resolution of the microscope is to be increased. On the other hand, the performance of the fiber spectrometer and the matching performance between the two are to be improved.

There are a wide variety of fiber optic spectrometers on the market and it is important to choose a suitable fiber spectrometer. The equipment provided by the fiber-optic spectrometer has a good reputation in the field of microscopic spectral analysis in the market. If you have an optical microscope, the easiest way to perform microscopic spectral analysis is to use a dedicated microscope with a fiber optic spectrometer - fiber optic adapter to integrate the spectrometer with the microscope, along with a custom software developed by the Fusion Fiber Spectrometer. Then, you can easily perform signal analysis on the sample using a microscope and an integrated fiber spectrometer system.

In general, if you have more than 50 times the objective lens, you can do microscopic spectral analysis of the 25-micron square area without the modification of the iris. Of course, Reuse can also provide you with more detailed microscopic spectral analysis. With the patented technology of fiber optic spectrometers, the microscope system can increase the spatial resolution of the spectrometer to 5 μm square.

General Spectral Analysis and Microscopic Spectroscopic Analysis Spectroscopic Analysis Comparison Chart with Patented Techniques General Spectral Analysis Microscopic Spectroscopic Analysis Patented Microscopic Spectroscopy Spatial Resolution Capability Typical 1X1mm2 Minimum 25X25um2 Minimum 5X5um2

There is no angular resolving power. See the R6 product description for the maximum spectral band 200-2500nm380-780nm320-1100nm.

Texturing process:

Texturing is etching or etching the surface of a cell sheet into an irregular rough surface. Due to multiple reflections and refractions of incident light on the surface of the cell, the absorption of light is increased, and the short circuit current and conversion efficiency of the cell are improved. At this point, the measured reflectance can be used to measure the cellulosic velvet effect. In general, the reflectivity of the cell sheet is about 35% after the texturing is completed.

Cleaning process:

After the texturing process, the cell surface needs to be subjected to general chemical cleaning. After washing, dehydration should be performed. At this point, the measured reflectance can be used to measure the cell cleaning effect.

PECVD process In order to further reduce the surface reflection and improve the conversion efficiency of the battery, it is necessary to deposit a layer of SiN (silicon nitride) antireflection film. PECVD equipment is often used in industrial production to prepare antireflection films. PECVD is plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Its technical principle is to use a low-temperature plasma as an energy source. The sample is placed on the cathode of a glow discharge at a low pressure, the sample is heated to a predetermined temperature by glow discharge, and then an appropriate amount of the reaction gases SiH4 and NH3 are introduced. After a series of chemical reactions and plasma reactions, a solid film, namely a silicon nitride film, is formed on the surface of the sample. During the reaction, high-resolution plasma monitors can be used for in-situ monitoring of the plasma reaction. In general, the thickness of the film deposited using the PECVD method is about 70 nm. After the PECVD coating is completed, the ellipsometer and reflectometer are used to measure the film thickness and reflectivity of the solar cell. The encapsulation process needs to encapsulate the glass on the surface of the component to protect the cell assembly. Now generally use anti-reflective embossed glass for packaging. The transmittance of the embossed glass will directly affect the power generation efficiency of the battery module. Therefore, it is necessary to use the embossed glass transmittance meter to detect the transmittance of the encapsulated embossed glass.

Test Procedure In order to measure the power generation efficiency of a battery module, it is necessary to use a solar simulator to test the power generation efficiency. Solar simulators typically use special pulsed xenon light sources. Since the pulsed xenon lamp light source has a service life, in order to obtain accurate efficiency data, it is necessary to detect the radiation condition of the solar light simulator.

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