Maize extraordinary early sowing techniques include: corn extraordinary early sowing, seedlings strong seedlings, big ears, medium and high density and continuous cropping. The key technology is the use of cold-tolerant medium-maturing glutinous rice varieties for supernormal early-seeding of maize and rice.
1. Maize (1) Maize extraordinary early sowing: The sowing date of maize is advanced to around the beginning of February, and it is about 50 days earlier than the traditional live broadcast from late March to early April.
(2) Shed film seedlings: Seedlings were used to grow seedlings. When the seedlings were 2 to 2.5 leaves, seedlings were selected and transplanted to Daejeon. To prevent overheating of greenhouse films
(3) Selection of large ear varieties: such as Yayu No. 2 and Nanyu No. 3. These varieties have large spikes, large grains, high yield, strong resistance to stress, compact plant shape, relatively cold tolerance at seedling stage, and prosperous growth. Suitable for early sowing.
(4) Medium and high density: The density of spring corn is generally increased by 20% compared with the positive season, and the growth rate of autumn corn is 10% higher than that of spring maize.
2. Rice (1) Rice is sown early in time and cultivated vigorously: Seedlings are sown at the time of mid-May or early-morn corn picking. The age of 40 to 50 days.
(2) Use mid-maturing hardy seed. In Chuandong District, medium-maturing Japonica hybrid rice and Wuyujing No. 3 of Gangyou Duoyou No. 1 and Gangyou No. 22 can be used; Wuyujing No. 3 can be used in Chuanxi (North) area.
3. Autumn corn (1) In mid-June, the seedlings were exposed in the open field, and 3 to 4 leaves of seedlings were transplanted into the broad row of spring corn. The symbiotic period was about 15 days.
(2) The variety is medium-mature semi-rigid and disease-resistant varieties, such as Yayu No. 2.
4. Winter wheat: planted in the trunk, deep trench high compartment. Sowing in early November, Mianyang 26 and Chuanongmai 1 were selected as the varieties.